Ready, Set, Go!

This course will teach you how to facilitate engaging classes promoting a fun, safe, holistic approach to well-being and community-building. It is a perfect opportunity for heart-centered and wellness-conscious professionals who want to elevate their offerings and make a positive difference in the lives of their clients and community.

  • Do you feel that your teaching approach lacks excitement or has become monotonous?
  • Are you eager to discover fresh and innovative methods to enhance stress reduction, resilience, positivity, a sense of community, psychological safety, and holistic well-being in your classes, all while creating unforgettable experiences that keep clients coming back for more?
  • Are you looking to broaden your skillset and distinguish yourself as a wellness professional, so you can attract a diverse audience, expand your client base, and make a meaningful impact on the world while earning money doing what you love?


  • Lesson One (from 1 hour) “Laugh Science 101” – Discover the hidden potential of laughter as a personal choice and a therapeutic companion, independent of humor or happiness. FREE!

  • Lesson Two (from 1.5 hour) “Beginner’s Toolkit” – Learn how to facilitate Laughter Wellness sessions with the general public, creating joyful experiences that resonate. FREE!

  • Lesson Three (from 5 hours) “Intermediate Level” – Elevate your Laughter Wellness expertise, building confidence and gaining immense personal satisfaction through fine-tuning your teaching abilities.

  • Lesson Four (from 4 hours) “Expert Level” – Delve into advanced techniques and strategies to create impactful Laughter Wellness experiences and longer programs, potentially generating income while spreading joy and positivity.

  • Lesson Five (from 2 hours) “Marketing Laughter Wellness” – Learn to effectively promote your laughter classes, expanding your reach and influence at every training level.

Instructor Bio

Sebastian GendrySebastian Gendry is a Franco-American wellness engineer. He created the Laughter Wellness method in the late 2000s as a result of his personal journey to overcome burnout. His refreshing approach to well-being has helped thousands of people improve their quality of life and build bridges between the island of pain and the mainland of well-being. In 2004, Sebastian became the first French and American Laughter Yoga teacher, and in 2010, he became a master trainer in the same method. He played a crucial role in introducing Laughter Yoga to North America, Russia, and other countries, directly inspiring the creation of hundreds of laughter clubs worldwide. His regular appearances on American, European, and Australian press and television have been seen by over 300 million people, including features on the Oprah Winfrey Show, 60 Minutes, and ABC Good Morning America. His life mission is to create a happier planet.

What People Say

  • “I’ve seen an incredible improvement in my residents’ overall physical health. Their immune systems are stronger, and they’re enjoying life more than ever.”
  • “I’ve found the Laughter Wellness classes invaluable in helping my clients experience breakthroughs in their emotional well-being. The unforgettable experiences have made a lasting impact on their lives.”
  • “My self-esteem and confidence have soared, and I can see the positive effects on my patients as well.”
  • “The communication skills I’ve developed through this course have made such a difference in my work. I’m now able to connect more effectively with the people I serve and build stronger, more supportive relationships.”
  • “The emotional intelligence I’ve gained from facilitating Laughter Wellness classes has been invaluable. It’s fostered empathy and self-awareness in me, which has improved my relationships with clients and helped them grow.”
  • “My energy levels have skyrocketed since I started facilitating Laughter Wellness classes. I feel more motivated and inspired than ever before, and my coworkers have noticed the change too.”

Guiding Principles

The following five axioms are the foundation of Laughter Wellness:

Laughter Wellness is about empowering individuals to discover their own inner strength and potential. Our program does not aim to fix anyone or anything, but rather to inspire and empower people to think differently. We believe that true change comes from within, and that we all have the ability to choose a different way of being in the face of any situation.

Laughter Wellness is based on the principle that the benefits of laughter are not limited to the physical act of laughing. Our program focuses on the intention behind the laughter and encourages individuals to find authenticity in their laughter. The program advises not to fake or force laughter as it may lead to negative feelings. Instead, it encourages to use laughter as a symbol of the best version of oneself, using the available energies.

Laughter Wellness is all about living in the present moment and finding peace. Our program promotes the trifecta of happiness: a sense of fullness, feeling anchored in the present, and a sense of freedom. It does so in a fun, practical, and connecting way by providing techniques and exercises that encourage mindfulness and connection with the present moment.

Laughter Wellness is based on the understanding that all aspects of the body, mind, and spirit are interconnected. Our program promotes neuroplasticity and growth experiences by utilizing various joy-filled tools, techniques, and exercises. By working on all aspects of the self, we can achieve holistic well-being.

Laughter Wellness is rooted in the energy of play and it’s important for facilitators to understand the three distinct phases of play, from less to more. By respecting these phases, the experience will be fully enjoyed and the benefits will be greater. Ignoring these phases can lead to judgment rather than experience, significantly impacting the benefits of the program.

Code of Ethics

Here is the Laughter Wellness code of ethics and best practices:

  • Laughter Wellness values transparency and honesty in all aspects of the program.
  • We respect others and credit them for their achievements and ideas.
  • We encourage individuals to find their unique way of shining and to be consistent in their behavior, manners, language, and attitudes.
  • We believe in being accountable, honest, and forthright and in helping others without the expectation of getting something in return.
  • We encourage individuals to have the courage to acknowledge their emotions and communicate honestly with others.

Laughter Wellness encourages individuals to strive for smoothness and elegance in their ability to handle and adapt to change, both inside and outside of the program. We believe that being able to adapt to change is crucial for overall well-being and happiness.

Laughter Wellness encourages a gradual and professional approach towards wellness and well-being, starting from less intense to more intense techniques and exercises. We believe that this approach is more effective and beneficial for individuals. We strive to adapt to people’s ever-changing emotional states and choose the best moment for specific techniques and exercises.

Laughter Wellness places a high emphasis on creating safe spaces for all participants, free from harm or danger where everyone feels welcome and at ease. We respect people’s autonomy and free will and understand that participation in the program should be out of choice rather than obligation.

Laughter Wellness professionals help people discover the power of laughter in promoting well-being and happiness while upholding the following values of professionalism and integrity:

  • Strive for mastery in the skills and tools necessary to do your job at your training level.
  • Appreciate and support the people with whom you work.
  • Practice good manners.
  • Have high ethical and moral standards.
  • Be honest and fair in all your dealings with others.

What Laughter Wellness Does To People

Experience The Transformative Power Of Laughter Wellness!